Carving Out Some Fun

Sometimes you have to step out of you comfort zone and try something new.
After seeing pumpkin photos take over Instagram for the last month or so, I wanted to try and make my own.
Of course my first thought was to crochet some, I had seen so many patterns posted over social media but I wanted to spread my wings and try something different for a change.
As most crafters do, I checked out Pinterest and found loads of cute fabric pumpkins.
I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the greatest with a needle and thread, I try but I’m never happy with the outcome, I think it’s a convenience thing. Maybe that’s why I have a really expensive sewing machine and bundles of fat quarters, cluttering up my summerhouse, waiting for me to make the patchwork quilt, I’ve been wanting to make since I brought our first home.
Maybe one day I will get around to it.

With my self-esteem/belief playing havoc, I decided on making no sew pumpkins and found a tutorial to follow.
I dusted off some of my fat quarters and ordered some foam balls.
Once they arrived I set to work.


As I haven’t got the best strength in my hands, Mark kindly cut slices into each of foam ball with a serrated kitchen knife, while I cut out pieces of fabric, roughly the size I needed.

After these were all cut, I tucked the fabric into the slices with a butter knife.
This was hard going on my wrists and by the end of the day, I even had a blister.


They turned out pretty well for my first attempt so I ventured out into the cold, cut three twigs/very small branches and popped them into the top of each ball.


What I love most about these little pumpkins, when autumn is over, you can take out the twigs, turn them over and just use them as decoration.


They were so simple to make, cheap as chips and look pretty good.
If you fancy making your own, you can find the tutorial here. I’m definitely going to make some more and turn them into Christmas tree decorations. 🎄


4 thoughts on “Carving Out Some Fun

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