Round Up, Round Up – November 2018

November has been a month of change.
Unfortunately I was diagnosed with, type two diabetes and after a long wait I managed to see my diabetic nurse. She basically told I need to change my lifestyle.
Diabetes is one scary mofo, I knew it was dangerous through my beauty therapy training, but never really understood why or the risks, and in truth I have a lot to learn, an awful amount to learn.
The nurse decided not to go down the prescription route, as I already take a lot of medicine, instead she wants me to work on my diet to hopefully control my diabetes.
I haven’t ever really dieted, cared about what I ate, if I wanted something or like something, I ate it. I’ve never counted calories or even looked at what goes into food, I didn’t really have a reason to.
I seriously wish I had!
I never released that certain foods leave a layer of yellow fat all over your organs especially when you carry your weight around your abdomen as I do. Apart from my face, it’s the only area that I noticed weight gain, sadly not so much weight loss.

Sugar is in Everything!!!

Even fruit isn’t always good for you. So the nurse tells me “NO MORE CARBS”
No rice, pasta, bread, cereal, potatoes. No fruit from the southern atmosphere and no processed food at all. It’s really just a long list of

No, No, No!!!

For those of you that know me well, you’ll know I absolutely love Pasta, Rice, Bread Cereal and Roast Potatoes. I could seriously live off pasta and rice and I’m ashamed to admit they were a huge part of my diet. In truth I always thought pasta was good for you. My dad being an Ironman, lived on it, so in my mind, it has to be good for you, right?
You probably can guess how freaked I was when I was told I could no longer eat my favourite food. I was gutted, beyond gutted.
Life has changed so much already due to my numerous autoimmune diseases and now I can’t even enjoy the food I love. It’s depressing, really depressing.
I feel as I have no control over my own life, I can’t do what I wish I could especially with the autumn/winter weather playing havoc with my health.
But instead of letting depression set in, I decided to try to embrace what my life has become and to take the bulls by the horns and change my food intake.
My first and probably most important change was to eat properly, as in having breakfast, lunch and dinner, something I have never really done. I normally wouldn’t eat all day and just have my evening meal, which would leave me hungry all evening, so I would eat cereal or junk.
No wonder I’m now a diabetic, I have no one to blame but myself.
Life habits are changing, I’m trying hard and slowly turning into a rabbit.🐰
Rice has been replaced with cauliflower, which sounds disgusting but in truth it’s ok 👌🏻 Pasta will be replaced with courgette, when I’m brave enough to try it. Bread, potato and cereal are no longer in my diet at all.
Hopefully I will start to feel a benefit soon and my sugar levels will improve. It’s been a wake up call for sure.

🧐Family research.
I haven’t really had much time for research, life has a habit of getting in the way. However, my friend Bruce, who I swear is an angel sent from heaven, has helped me confirm my Great Grandfathers Jesse Townsend and his son Kenneth’s, grave location. He worked his magic and now my great aunts can finally get their dad a headstone.
I really couldn’t be more grateful and humbled for his beautiful heart and kindness and I know my family feel just as grateful. Thank you Bruce.
My cousin Natasha, hunted down their burial spot, cleaned it up and made a little cross, so their grave can now be easily located. What a lovely thing to do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Natasha, I can’t wait to go and visit my Great-Grandad and his baby boy Kenneth.


Although all I want and need to do is crochet, life aka housework gets in the way. No matter how much I clean and tidy, I turn around and there is more mess. I have to blame myself because I’ve ran around after my husband, two boys and the muckiest of dogs, for too long and they expect it. They openly admit they are like the guy with the magic basket and coffee table.

So with endless chores, little time is left for me and my therapy. Yes crochet is that, it helps me in many different ways and I get really stressed when I can’t do it especially as I have so much I want and need to do.
I wish I was wired differently so I could just say “Screw the housework” unfortunately I’m not.
I have managed to work on my Havana, which I’m crazy about. I’ve only got to crochet the border and this beauty will be finished, I’m going to miss working on her, rest ashore I will be making others. The pattern is fantastic and every stitch made has been a pleasure. I can not express how much I Love, Love, Love this pattern.

Havana is a mosaic crochet pattern by Tinna Throrudottir Thorvaldar. If you haven’t come across her outstanding patterns, you’re missing out so please check out her Ravelry page.


I’ve finished my Brair Rose of friendship, which you can read about here.


And I’ve started a secret project, which I can’t wait to share with you when it’s finished. This project means a lot to me, for reasons I will explain later. So much so I have to put everything else a side and work on it. The only trouble is I’m very low on yarn and the only stockiest doesn’t have the colours I need to be able to finish.


For some reason, I got into my head that I wanted to make hats. I have only ever made two hats before, so hat making is all very new. I wanted a pattern that was fast, easy to make and a hat that I could wear all day inside the house as I get very cold. I decided on a messy bun hat. After a quick jump on YouTube, a few videos later, I found the perfect pattern., “The Spiral Messy Bun Hat” by Littlejohn’s Yarn.
Within a few hours it was finished and it hasn’t come off my head since. It’s so warm and a great way to try to keep my body heat in. I have to say I love it. I’ve made a few more in different colours since and I just adore this pattern.
I used Stylecraft Special Chunky, and each hat takes just under a skein of yarn.


I also made the, “Divine Hat” by Sarah Arnold.
It took a little longer to make and came out a little bigger than the messy bun hats, but I like it. Hopefully my sister Kerry, friend Becky, will like it just as much.
I used Stylecraft Special Chunky, using the whole skein of yarn.
I can definitely see myself making a few more of these in my future as I love the spiral effect.


I was hoping to finish my Aunties, “ Beautiful Shell Blanket” and get a good few squares made, for my mum’s “Nuts about DNA Afghan” but I’m sorry to say that hasn’t happened, which I feel incredibly guilty about.
These two ladies are so special to me, they are always there throughout the good, the bad and the ugly and I wouldn’t know where I would be if it wasn’t for them.
However at the last hour, I did manage to get two squares made for mums “Nuts about DNA Afghan.” I made

Dixie Daydream by Polly Plum. It’s a great pattern to make. I think it would look fabulous as a lapghan, maybe one day I will, if time ever allows.


and the Fuschia Square, by Marie Terblanche. I’ve never made anything by her before, it’s a shame she hasn’t got more 12” patterns, as The Fuschia Square, was most enjoyable.


😍Crochet Crush.
Without a shadow of a dealt, my crochet crush is the, “Indiana Afghan” by Tinna Throrudottir Thorvaldar.
OMG it’s amazing and I can not wait to sink my teeth into it.
I have colours planned already, I just need to finish a few things off and buy the yarn. My palms are itching, but I can’t start it just yet.
Tinna Throrudottir Thorvaldar is my favourite designer at the moment, her patterns are just awesome and easy to make. You can check out her patterns here or you can follow her here on Instagram. Thank you Tinna, for allowing me to featuring you amazing afghan, for use of your photo and for designing such incredible, breathtaking patterns.


As November closed its door and millions of advent calendar doors open as we welcome in December, Christmas is in full sight, as trees begin to glisten in people’s homes, towns alight with fairy lights and we all dream of a white Christmas, I hope you all have a magical December.


5 thoughts on “Round Up, Round Up – November 2018

  1. Dear Georgina, so sorry Darling about the Diabetis,You have enough health problems as it is ,But you are so brave you will combat it I know The crochet you do is so beautiful, and you are a very talented writer,,Take care of yourself love Nan X X X


  2. Dear Georgina, yet another beautifully written blog and I am delighted to have been of some help.
    I wonder what the secret project is and can’t wait to find out.
    Kindest regards, Bruce


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