The Life Of William George Willats (Biggun), 1853-1897, The Early Years, Through Documentation.

In the annuals of our family history lies a tale, a story that resonates across time, traversing generations to touch our hearts today.  As I continue to embark on my journey of discovery, I find myself drawn to the life of a remarkable individual, my third great-grandfather William George Willats, aka Biggun. He was more … Continue reading The Life Of William George Willats (Biggun), 1853-1897, The Early Years, Through Documentation.

John Cornelius O’Connor – The Hunt Takes An Unexpected Turn, As His Truth Unfolds.

History is a mighty drama, enacted upon the theatre of times, with suns for lamps and eternity for a background. As I delve into the past, revisiting the lives of names written upon dusty documents, those names capture my soul and pull fondly on my heartstrings.  They no longer are just random names scribbled on … Continue reading John Cornelius O’Connor – The Hunt Takes An Unexpected Turn, As His Truth Unfolds.

The Hunt For, John Cornelius O’Connors, Birth Index And Birth Certificate, 1872.

Even though I still very much believe that our, John Cornelius O’Connor, was born in County Kerry, Ireland, I have been following a possible paper trail for the, O’Connor family. After trolling the birth index’s I came across two birth index’s, one for, John’s brother, Thomas, and another for John.  Both give the mothers maiden … Continue reading The Hunt For, John Cornelius O’Connors, Birth Index And Birth Certificate, 1872.

52 Ancestors In 52 Weeks – Jesse Townsend, 1835 – Update

My maternal 3rd Great Grandfather, Jesse Townsend, is one of my ancestors who has stolen my heart. Of course he has to be one of the hardest people to trace, especially his beginnings. Even though I have managed to trace him through the census’s, found his marriage, know who his children are and even what … Continue reading 52 Ancestors In 52 Weeks – Jesse Townsend, 1835 – Update